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TextMate 2: uses spaces instead of tabs and set tab size

  • Edit ~/.tm_properties and put:
    tabSize = 2
    softTabs = true
    softWrap = true
    [ ]
    tabSize = 4
    softTabs = true
    [ source.python ]
    tabSize = 4
    softTabs = true
    [ source.tcl ]
    tabSize = 4
    softTabs = true

Uploading Multiple Files to Google Drive with Google App Script

  • Form.html Note: Replace rootFolderId with the id of destination folder on your Google Drive.


Enable livepatch on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS

  1. Install snapd:
    sudo apt-get install snapd
  2. Install the canonical-livepatch snap:
    sudo snap install canonical-livepatch
  3. Go to and retrieve your livepatch token
  4. Enable the service with your token:
    sudo /snap/bin/canonical-livepatch enable [TOKEN]
  5. You can check the status at any time using:
    sudo /snap/bin/canonical-livepatch status --verbose

See also

xargs argument position

echo "foo" | xargs -i echo {} "bar"
foo bar

xargs with multiple commands

  • Example 1:
    find "/Users/wilson/Documents" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -i bash -c 'grep -L "{}" /tmp/document-list.csv || echo "{}"'
  • Example 2:
    cat a.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; ls %'

see also


SFC Game: Contra III - The Alien Wars Cheats & Codes


Here are some passwords for the stages, across the various difficulty settings. (Note: The game ends after Level 3 on easy.)
Level 2 - HMH4
Level 3 - HMRK

Level 2 - MDMG
Level 3 - MDWC
Level 4 - 1ZKC
Level 5 - M2P5

Level 2 - J3YS
Level 3 - JJ34
Level 4 - NCR1
Level 5 - JKCG

Maniac: Level 2 - G43Q
Level 3 - G4SM
Level 4 - K31Y
Level 5 - GPM2

Infinite Lives - B32R

Skip Stage - H2F2 - Now while playing, press START to skip to the next stage.

Play Stage 4 on Easy - 21LN

注意,这里的标题画面是指一开始,有‘魂斗罗’字样,可以选择1P和2P 的那个标题画面。

Install MyTardis on Ubuntu Linux 16.04

  1. Create a service user account for running MyTardis:
    useradd -m -d /opt/mytardis -s /bin/bash tardis
  2. Check out MyTardis from github:
    cd /opt
    sudo git clone -b master
    sudo chown tardis:tardis /opt/mytardis
  3. Install required ubuntu packages:
    sudo bash /opt/mytardis/
  4. Setup virtualenv for tardis account:
    sudo su tardis
    source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/
    mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages mytardis
    pip install -U pip
    echo "source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "workon mytardis" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  5. (As user 'tardis',) To work around this bleach bug, set html5lib version by adding line below to requirements.txt:
  6. remove billiard from requirements.txt or after installing the required packages, re-install celery package to downgrade billiard to This is because the installed billiard is installed and it causes celery failed to process any task. (Thread ResultHandler crashed: TypeError ...)
  7. (As user 'tardis',) Install required Python packages:
    cd /opt/mytardis
    pip install -U -r requirements.txt
  8. (As user 'tardis',) Initialize tardis/ (as user 'tardis'):
    cd /opt/mytardis
    mv tardis/ tardis/
    add the following lines:
    DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
    DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'tardis_db'
  9. (As user 'tardis',) Generate SECRET_KEY and save to tardis/
    echo "SECRET_KEY='`python generate_secret_key`'" >> tardis/
    or to re-generate:
    python -c "import os; from random import choice; key_line = '%sSECRET_KEY=\"%s\"  # generated from\n' % ('from tardis.default_settings import * \n\n' if not os.path.isfile('tardis/') else '', ''.join([choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\\!@#$%^&*(-_=+)') for i in range(50)])); f=open('tardis/', 'a+'); f.write(key_line); f.close()"
  10. (As user 'tardis',) Initialize database:
    python migrate
  11. (As user 'tardis',) Create cache tables:
    python createcachetable default_cache
    python createcachetable celery_lock_cache
  12. (As user 'tardis',) Collect static files and save to static/ directory under /opt/mytardis:
    python collectstatic
  13. (As user 'tardis',) Create superuser (as user 'tardis'):
    python createsuperuser
  14. (As user 'tardis',) Create var/store directory:
    mkdir -p var/store
  15. (As user 'tardis',) Start mytardis server:
    python celeryd &
    python runserver
    Note: 1) celeryd has to be started manually prior mytardis; 2) append to runserver command will make the server serve other hosts rather than only localhost:8000
  16. Supervisor can be installed to auto-start celeryd and webserver...

Setup XNAT on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Create user xnat to run Tomcat service:
    sudo useradd -u 6667 -d /opt/xnat -s /bin/bash xnat
  2. Install PostgreSQL:
    sudo apt-get install postgresql
    then edit /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf file:
    , and restart PostgreSQL server:
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  3. Install Java 7
    Current XNAT (v1.6.5) requires Java 7. Java 8 will NOT work. Type the commands below to install Java 7:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer oracle-java7-set-default
  4. Install Tomcat 7
    Current XNAT v1.6.5 requires Tomcat7. However, DO NOT install tomcat7 from Ubuntu Repository. It was compiled with Java 8 and will cause this problem. Instead, you should download from offical Tomcat web site. Type the command below to install tomcat:
    cd /opt
    sudo wget
    sudo tar zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.70.tar.gz
    sudo ln -s /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.70 /opt/tomcat7
    sudo chown -R xnat:xnat /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.70
    sudo chown -R xnat:xnat /opt/tomcat7
    then set startup scripts permissions:
    sudo chmod +x /opt/tomcat7/bin/
    sudo chmod +x /opt/tomcat7/bin/
    and you need to set JAVA_OPTS in /opt/tomcat7/bin/ and insert the following line at the start:
    JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xmx8192m"
    NOTE: you need to set MaxPermSize and MaxHeapSize(Xmx) in JAVA_OPTS. Otherwise, OutOfMemoryError will occur when you load XNAT web app.
  5. Install Maven:
    sudo apt-get install maven
  6. Download and extract XNAT 1.6.5:
    cd /opt
    sudo wget
    sudo tar zxvf xnat-1.6.5.tar.gz
    sudo chown -R xnat:xnat /opt/xnat
  7. Prepare XNAT directories:
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/archive
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/prearchive
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/ftp
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/cache
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/build
    NOTE: '/data/xnat' should be the mount point for large storage for XNAT.
  8. Set up environment variables for xnat user, by editting .bashrc file:
    sudo su xnat
    vi ~/.bashrc
    add the following:
    # JAVA
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    # Tomcat
    export TOMCAT_HOME=/opt/tomcat7
    export PATH=$PATH:$TOMCAT_HOME/bin
    # XNAT
    export XNAT_HOME=/opt/xnat
    export PATH=$PATH:$XNAT_HOME/bin
  9. Create XNAT database user xnat01:
    sudo su postgres
    createuser -U postgres -S -D -R -P xnat01
    Note: set and remember the password for db user xnat01, you will need it in the XNAT file.
  10. Create XNAT database:
    sudo su postgres
    createdb -U postgres -O xnat01 xnat
  11. Edit /opt/xnat/
    su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat
    and the content should be like below:
    maven.appserver.home = /opt/tomcat7
    Note: xdat.url need to be set to the public ip or address instead of localhost if you want the XNAT server to be accessed from other computers.
  12. Edit file. and replace the 'maven.repo.remote' line with

    NOTE: You need to do this because the offical XNAT maven repository is down.
  13. Run script to build:
    sudo su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat
  14. Create Database tables & views:
    cd /opt/xnat
    psql xnat01 -h localhost -d xnat -f deployments/xnat/sql/xnat.sql
    Note: you need supply the password for db user xnat01.
  15. Store initial security settings:
    sudo su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat/deployments/xnat
    StoreXML -project xnat -l security/security.xml -allowDataDeletion true
  16. Store Example Custom Variable Sets:
    sudo su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat/deployments/xnat
    StoreXML -dir ./work/field_groups -u admin -p admin -allowDataDeletion true
  17. Deploy the web app
    sudo su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat
    bin/ -Ddeploy=true
  18. Now start Tomcat7 server:
    sudo su xnat
  19. When open the xnat web page in browser the first name, it will take a very long time to load as it is loading the XNAT web app in Tomcat.

Key points

  • Install JAVA 7. Java 8 does not work.
  • Download Tomcat 7 binary from offical Tomcat web site. DO NOT install from Ubuntu Repository.
  • Set Java MaxPermSize and Xmx(MaxHeapSize) in JAVA_OPTS for Tomcat7 startup script Missing this step will cause OutOfMemoryError when load XNAT web app
  • Official XNAT maven repository site is down. Edit to replace it with
  • Tomat7 server is run as xnat user.

Hotmail (Outlook) denied POP3 access from Gmail

Recently, my Gmail failed to access my hotmail via POP3:
Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password.
Please contact Microsoft's Support Team for more information on POP access.
Server returned error: "Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password. [Error="ProxyNotAuthenticated" AuthResult=0]"

It was working fine for a few years. Suddenly stopped working. I searched and found the reason: Microsoft turned off POP3 access on my account without any notification. So turning it back on solved the problem:
For more details, see here

Mount CIFS/SMB (Windows) Share on Linux

Install CIFS/Samba client

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

Manual mount

  • sudo mount -t cifs -o domain=yourdomain,username=yourusername // /mnt/yourshare

Auto mount

  • Create a credentials file at /etc/cifs-credentials
  • Edit /etc/fstab as root (or sudo)
    // /mnt/yourshare cifs credentials=/etc/cifs-credentials  0 0
  • sudo mount -a

See also

OMERO systemd units

  • Systemd unit for OMERO.server:
    cat /lib/systemd/system/omero.service
    Description=OMERO Server postgresql.service postgresql.service
    ExecStart=/etc/init.d/omero start
    ExecStop=/etc/init.d/omero stop
  • Systemd unit for OMERO.web:
    cat /lib/systemd/system/omero-web.service
    Description=OMERO web
    Wants=nginx.service omero.service
    After=nginx.service omero.service
    ExecStart=/etc/init.d/omero-web start
    ExecStop=/etc/init.d/omero-web stop

OMERO.web startup script /etc/init.d/omero-web

OMERO.server startup script /etc/init.d/omero

Mediaflux startup script to run the server as non-root user

  • The configuration file should be saved to /etc/mediaflux:
    export MFLUX_HOME=/opt/mediaflux
    export MFLUX_DOMAIN=system
    export MFLUX_USER=manager
    export MFLUX_TRANSPORT=https
    export MFLUX_PORT=8443
    export MFLUX_UMASK=0007
    export MFLUX_ADMIN=mflux
  • The startup script modified from $MFLUX_HOME/bin/unix/mediaflux should be saved to /etc/init.d/mediaflux
    • sudo cp $MFLUX_HOME/bin/unix/mediaflux /etc/init.d/mediaflux
    • sudo vi /etc/init.d/mediaflux
      • Note: the following changes is required by systemd on Ubuntu Linux 16.04:
        # Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
        # Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
        # Default-Start:  2 3 4 5
        # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
      • Note: the following changes is to run the sevice as user mflux rather than root:
        start-stop-daemon --start --background --umask $MFLUX_UMASK -c $MFLUX_ADMIN --exec "${JAVA}" -- -jar $MFLUX_HOME/bin/aserver.jar application.home=$MFLUX_HOME nogui $DEBUG >> $MFLUX_HOME/volatile/logs/unix_start.log&

see also

Start Mediaflux server on system reboot using systemd on Ubuntu Linux 16.04

  1. Modify mediaflux script file from $MFLUX_HOME/bin/unix/mediaflux and install it to /etc/init.d/mediaflux.
  2. create systemd unit file at /lib/systemd/system/mediaflux.service
    Description=Mediaflux Server
    ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mediaflux start
    ExecStop=/etc/init.d/mediaflux force-stop
  3. Enable the systemd unit (so that it is called on reboot)
    sudo systemctl enable mediaflux.service
  4. Start the service manually(without reboot)
    sudo systemctl start mediaflux.service

see also

Ubuntu Linux 16.04 systemd unit file for Mediaflux server

Description=Mediaflux Server
ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mediaflux start
ExecStop=/etc/init.d/mediaflux force-stop

# IMPORTANT: The following line is to insert the service to the dependency tree. Otherwise, it will not be called on system reboot.

see also

Mac OS X: extra output message when exiting Terminal

After upgrade to Mac OS X El Captain, when exiting from Terminal, I see the following message: According to this, it is not to be worried.

sed: replace formatted numbers

Example remove date string:
s="1234 2007-12-21 11:22:30 1.txt"
s=$(echo $s | sed 's/[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}\s*//')
echo $s
# 1234 1.txt

Shell script: execute a string as command

eval is what we need:
string="echo \"Shell scripting is cool.\""
eval $string

Shell script: set delimiter and read line from file

while IFS=$'\t' read col1 col2; do
    echo "column 1: ${col1}"
done < /path/to/input.txt
The above code read from tab delimited text file.

Shell script: loop through lines from file or command output

You can pipe command output to a while loop
echo /path/to/1.txt | while IFS=$'\t' read a b; do
   echo "${b}, ${a}"

Or loop through a text file:
while IFS=$'\t' read a b; do
   echo "${b}, ${a}"
done < /path/to/1.txt

awk: re-order columns using printf

echo 1.txt | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"} {printf "%s\t%s\n", $2, $1}'

Shell script: get file size

stat -c %s /path/to/file

size=$(stat -c %s ${path})
if [[ $size -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "${path} is a zero-size file."
Note: If path directs to a directory, it will not fail nor return 0. It returns the block size associated with the directory. See this for more details.

Shell script: remove leading and trailing character

s="\"Shell scripting is interesting.\""
echo $s

# ${s%\"} will remove the suffix " (escaped with a backslash to prevent shell interpretation)

# ${s#\"} will remove the prefix " (escaped with a backslash to prevent shell interpretation)
echo $s

Sed: multiple substitutes in one sed command

Delimit commands with semicolon:
echo "John like apples." | sed 's/apple/pear/;s/John/David/'
Another example, remove leading and trailing quotes:
echo "'Sed is cool.'" | sed 's/^'//;s/'$//'

A shell script to check files in SWIFT object storage

sed: delete matching lines

sed -i.bak '/pattern/d' input.txt

Shell scripting: remove .DS_Store and ._* files recursively on Linux or Mac

find . -name ".DS_Store" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
find . -name "._*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete
find . -name "._*" -delete
find . \( -name '.DS_Store' -or -name '._*' \) -delete

Shell scripting: Removing repeating empty lines

cat -s 1.txt > 1.txt; mv 1.txt.tmp 1.txt

Shell scripting: enclose all lines with quotes

  • Using awk:
    awk '{print "\""$0"\""}' input.txt
    or if ignore empty lines:
    awk 'NF {print "\""$0"\""}' input.txt
  • Or using sed:
    sed -i.bak 's/^/"/; s/$/"/' input.txt
    or if ignore empty lines:
    sed -i.bak 's/^..*$/"&"/' input.txt

Shell Scripting: delete blank lines from a text file using sed

Delete empty lines using sed:
sed -i.bak '/^\s*$/d' 1.txt

Java: Stream Handler for Logger

        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("daris-download");
         * file handler
        FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler(
                "%h/.daris/daris-download.%g.log", 5000000, 2);
        fileHandler.setFormatter(new Formatter() {

            public String format(LogRecord record) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(new Date(record.getMillis())).append(" ");
                sb.append("[thread: ").append(record.getThreadID())
                        .append("] ");
                sb.append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(" ");
                return sb.toString();
         * console handler
        StreamHandler consoleHandler = new StreamHandler(System.out,
                new Formatter() {
                    public String format(LogRecord record) {
                        return record.getMessage() + "\n";
                }) {
            public synchronized void publish(LogRecord record) {

Shell script: Java arguments contains spaces

java -jar myapp.jar ${1+"$@"}

See also

Java: low level logging messages not showing

FINE level logging message is not shown even if the handler.setLevel(Level.FINE).


java.util.logging has a root logger that defaults to Level.INFO, and a ConsoleHandler attached to it that also defaults to Level.INFO. Level.FINE is lower than Level.INFO, so fine messages are not displayed by default.


    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("my-logger");
     * file handler
    FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler(
                "%h/.my-app.%g.log", 5000000, 2);
     * console handler
    ConsoleHandler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler();

Java: Consume InputStream by Null OutputStream

OutputStream nullOutputStream = new OutputStream() { 
    public void write(int b) {

See also

Java: Remove illegal character 0x0 from string

Unicode 0x0 is illegal in XML.
str.replaceAll("[\\000]+", "")



  • 乐视由于欠费,失去2017亚冠中超直播权。2017亚冠中超网上直播有PPTV。央视也开始直播亚冠中超。
飞流直播 目前最好的看2017亚冠,中超直播站。【推荐】 速度比较快,画质一般,无中文解说。中超亚冠都有直播。【不再推荐,因为此网站被google提示有安全问题,其实是弹窗广告安装流氓软件】
央视体育频道(CCTV 5, CCTV 5+)

Java synchronized block in static method

class Test {

    public static Test() {
        synchronized(Test.class) {
            ... ...


JavaFX WebView shows blank page when the web site ssl certificate is not trusted ( or self-signed)

JavaFX WebView shows blank page when the web site ssl certificate is not trusted (or self-signed). There is not errors/exceptions that you can see unless you set up a listener before you load the web site in WebView: The following code will show the error:
    WebView web = new WebView();
            .addListener((ov, oldState, newState) -> {
The error is like below:
java.lang.Throwable: SSL handshake failed
To resolve the error, if you trust the web site, you can ignore the error by adding following code before you start the WebView:
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { 
    new X509TrustManager() {     
        public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { 
            return null;
        public void checkClientTrusted( 
  [] certs, String authType) {
        public void checkServerTrusted( 
  [] certs, String authType) {

// Install the all-trusting trust manager
try {
    SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); 
    sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; 
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {

WebView web = new WebView();
NOTE: After executing the above code, your application will trust all https web sites. To have a more secure solution, you may maintain a local key store to add the trusted certificates, see this for more detail.

See also

openssl command to check web site ssl certificate

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

Coolpad 8297W remove News Stream

  1. Root the phone
  2. Install System App Remover from Google Play Store.
  3. Uninstall News Stream in System Application Remover

Telstra ZTE MF60 WIFI modem: change APN settings

  • You have to insert a Telstra SIM card (otherwise you will not be able to set the new profile as default.)
  • Power on the modem, can connect to the WIFI from your computer.
  • Open in your browser.(Default username: admin password: admin)
  • 3G Settings -> APN Settings
  • Click 'Add' button to add a new profile,  edit the APN, then click 'Set default' button.

See also

Telstra ZTE MF60 WIFI modem: reset WIFI password

Hold the WPS button and the POWER button at the same time for about 5-10 secs it will re-start the modem back to the default factory settings.

The original password is printed under the battery in the modem.

See also

VIM: tidy up HTML

First enable filetype indent then set filetype to html, then enable smartident:
:filetype indent on
:set filetype=html
:set smartindent
Then re-format the file using the following commands:
1G      # go to the beginning of file
gg=G    # reformat the file from the beginning

CSS: image auto resize and centered inside a div

<div style="width:600px; height:400px;">
<div style="vertical-align:middle; text-align:center; width:100%; height:100%;">
    <img style="max-width:100%; max-height:100%; width:auto; height:100%;" src=""/>

see also

CSS: fit textarea to its parent div

textarea {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;
Example HTML code:
<div style="width:600px; height:400px;">
<textarea style="height:100%; width:100%; box-sizing: border-box;" readonly>
This is a textarea.
Run the Example:

Enable Mac OS X Integration library (*) in Eclipse Java 8 Project

  1. Right click the project, select 'Build Path' then 'Configure Build Path...'
  2. Activate 'Libraries' tab, then open 'JRE System Library', then select Access Rules...
  3. Click 'Edit...' button, then click 'Add' button and type the rules:
    • Resolution: 'Accessible'
    • Rule Pattern: 'com/apple/eawt/**'

Install XNAT on Ubuntu 14.04

  1. Install and configure postgresql
    • Install postgresql:
      sudo apt-get install postgresql
    • Edit /etc/postgresql/9.3/postgresql.conf, and set:
    • Restart postgresql:
      sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  2. Install Java 7
    • Run the following commands to install Java 7 SDK:
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
      sudo echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
    • Run the following command to set Java 7 as default(java):
      sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-set-default
  3. Install Tomcat 7:
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle; sudo apt-get install tomcat7
  4. Install Maven:
    cd /opt/; sudo wget
    sudo tar zxvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
    sudo ln -s /opt/apache-maven-3.3.9/ /opt/maven
  5. Download and extract XNAT source:
    cd /opt
    sudo wget
    sudo tar zxvf xnat-1.6.5.tar.gz
  6. Create XNAT unix user:
    sudo useradd -u 6667 -d /opt/xnat -s /bin/bash xnat
    sudo usermod -a -G tomcat7 xnat
    sudo chown -R xnat:xnat /opt/xnat
  7. Prepare XNAT directories:
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/archive
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/prearchive
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/ftp
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/cache
    sudo mkdir /data/xnat/build
    Note: /data/xnat should be the mount point for large storage for XNAT.
  8. Set up environment variables for xnat user, by editting .bashrc file:
    sudo su xnat
    vi ~/.bashrc
    add the following:
    # JAVA
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    # Maven
    export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/maven
    export PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/bin
    # Tomcat
    export TOMCAT_HOME=/opt/tomcat
    export PATH=$PATH:$TOMCAT_HOME/bin
    # XNAT
    export XNAT_HOME=/opt/xnat
    export PATH=$PATH:$XNAT_HOME/bin
  9. Create XNAT database user xnat01:
    sudo su postgres
    createuser -U postgres -S -D -R -P xnat01
    Note: set and remember the password for db user xnat01, you will need it in the XNAT file.
  10. Create XNAT database:
    sudo su postgres
    createdb -U postgres -O xnat01 xnat
  11. Edit
    su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat
    and the content should be like below:
    maven.appserver.home = /var/lib/tomcat7
    Note: xdat.url need to be set to the public ip or address instead of localhost if you want the XNAT server to be accessed from other computers.
  12. Edit file. and replace the 'maven.repo.remote' line with
  13. Run script
    sudo su xnat
    cd /opt/xnat
  14. Create Database tables & views:
    cd /opt/xnat
    psql xnat01 -h localhost -d xnat -f deployments/xnat/sql/xnat.sql
    Note: you need supply the password for db user xnat01.
  15. Store initial security settings:
    sudo su xnat; cd /opt/xnat/deployments/xnat
    StoreXML -project xnat -l security/security.xml -allowDataDeletion true
  16. Store Example Custom Variable Sets:
    sudo su xnat; cd /opt/xnat/deployments/xnat
    StoreXML -dir ./work/field_groups -u admin -p admin -allowDataDeletion true
  17. Deploy the web app
    sudo su xnat; cd /opt/xnat
    bin/ -Ddeploy=true
  18. Set the ownership of web app directory:
    sudo su chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/xnat

Coolpad F1 8297W: How to install custom recovery?

  1. You need to root your 8297W mobile phone first.
  2. After rooting, install Mobile Uncle(YDSS) MTK tools from Google play store.
  3. You can install CWM or TWRP.
  4. Extract the downloaded CWM or TWRP package, copy recovery.img file to your 8297W SD card's root directory.
  5. Open MobileUncle Tools (in your mobile) to install recovery update

see also

Coolpad F1 8297W: How to enter fastboot mode?

How to enter Fastboot Mode

  1. Turn off the mobile.
  2. Hold Volume Up, Volume Down and Power buttons until system starts.

see also

Coolpad F1 8297W: How to enter recovery mode?

How to enter Recovery Mode

  1. Turn off the mobile.
  2. Hold Volume Up and Power buttons until phone starts.
  3. It should display a little Android Icon with message "No command."
  4. Press Power button again to enter Recovery Mode.
  5. Use Volume Down button to move the cursor and use Volume Up button to enter the selected item.

see also

Coolpad F1 8297W: How to root?

Method 1: Use Baidu Root tool. You can try either PC version or Android version:

Method 2: Manual root

  1. Download and copy it to the phone's SD card.
  2. Turn off the phone.
  3. Hold Volume Up and Power buttons to start the phone and enter Recovery Mode, until see the Android icon with message "No command". Press Power button again to see the menu.
  4. Use Volume Down button to move cursor to "Apply software update from SD card", press Volume Up to select it.
  5. Select then press Volume Up to install it
  6. After installation, restart the phone. You should see a app named SU.

see also

Coolpad F1 8297W: ROM Update Guide

  1. First, you need to root your coolpad F1 8297W mobile phone.
  2. Install Custom Recovery. You can install eitherCWM or TWRP.
  3. Copy the ROM zip file to your 8297W mobile's SD card.
  4. Turn off the phone.
  5. Hold Volume Up and Power buttons to get into recovery mode.
  6. In the main menu of the recovery mode, select "wipe data/factory reset" to clear all user data.
  7. In the main menu of the recovery mode, select "wipe cache partition" to clear cache.
  8. In the main menu of the recovery mode, select "install zip from sdcard" then select the ROM zip file from SD card to install.
  9. Complete flashing. First reboot may take a while.

see also

Python: calculate crc32 checksum for a file

import zlib
import sys


def get_crc32(path):
    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
        crc = 0
        while True:
            data =
            if not data:
            crc = zlib.crc32(data, crc)
    return crc

def main():
    for f in sys.argv[1:]:
        crc32 = get_crc32(f)
        crc32hex = hex(crc32)[2:]
        print(f'{f}: {crc32hex}')

if __name__ == '__main__':


% python3 my-file.dat
./my-file.dat: 780acc19

Flash Chess Game

Generate a self-signed multiple domain (UCC) SSL certificate

  • Option 1: using openssl
    • Find openssl.cnf
      sudo find / | grep openssl.cnf
      • On Mac OS X, it is /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf
      • On Ubuntu Linux, it is /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
    • Make a copy of openssl.cnf to /tmp/openssl.cnf
      cp /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf /tmp/openssl.cnf
    • Edit /tmp/openssl.cnf and append following line in [v3_ca] section:
      ... ... ...
      subjectAltName = @alternate_names
      then append [alternate_names] section:
      DNS.1 = mediaflux.localhost
      DNS.2 = daris.localhost
      Also, modify
      copy_extensions = copy
      It ensures the SANs are copied into the certificate.
    • Generate private key:
      openssl genrsa -out private.key 3072 -nodes openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -sha256 -config /tmp/openssl.cnf -out public.crt -days 730 -subj "/C=AU/ST=Victoria/L=Melbourne/O=W/OU=WL/CN=localhost"
  • Option 2: using Java keytool
    • keytool -selfcert -genkeypair -keystore /tmp/certs -alias mflux -storepass password -keyalg "RSA" -validity 3650 -dname "cn=localhost, ou=WL, o=W, l=Melbourne, st=Victoria, c=AU" -ext san=dns:daris.localhost,dns:mediaflux.localhost

see also